Assistant Registrar

Employer Info:

Bushnell University

Bushnell University strives to recruit, hire, and retain quality individuals to support the mission of the University. In serving as an employee here, you will be part of an academic community that fosters Wisdom, Faith, and Service in our students as we help them identify the call that God has for each of them in their lives. As a staff member, you will be part of a community that seeks to cultivate your faith while you make a difference in the lives of our students. We invite you to answer your calling and become a Bushnell Beacon.
Job Name
Assistant Registrar
Brief Description
Come join a close-knit team of higher educational professionals in the Office of the Registrar! The Assistant Registrar processes daily functions crucial to the Registrar’s Office including, but not limited to, maintaining student records and academic data, maintaining minor internal and external data requests, and serving as primary backup for the University Registrar on urgent matters and student sub-population needs. The Assistant Registrar must demonstrate a strong desire and ability to serve students, faculty, and staff in advancing the mission of the University to foster wisdom, faith, and service through excellent academic programs within a Christ-centered community.
Job Type
Education Level Required
Location City
Eugene, OR 97401, United states
Contact Person
Mary Jo Goosmann
Contact Email
Contact Phone
How to Apply
Upload all required materials on the Assistant Registrar position page under Open Positions ( Please note that applicants who do not upload all materials will not be considered.
Direct Link
Click here for more info
Job Details
Essential position functions:  
Providing timely responses to all student and internal requests; 
  • Maintenance of student records and academic data, including but not limited to; 
    • Physical file management; 
    • FERPA permission requests; 
    • Address changes; 
    • Name changes; 
    • Graduation applications; 
    • Emergency contact information forms; 
    • Major/minor changes; 
    • Registration changes; 
    • Graduation date changes
    • Waitlist processing; 
    • Academic deadline petitions; 
    • Leave of Absence requests; and 
    • Withdraws from the university. 
  • Management of final grading processes; 
  • Eligibility tracking for student athletes and other extra-curricular activities; and 
  • Commencement coordination and execution. 
​Additional support functions could include: 
  • Producing weekly enrollment reports for campus; 
  • Serving as Certifying Official for veteran educational benefits; 
  • Serving as Designated School Official for International students; 
  • Classroom calendar maintenance (finals, term schedules, non-academic requests); 
  • Academic Calendar maintenance; and 
  • Other duties as assigned.